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Life is an adventure – and school should be too


11 Before 11 Video - REAch2 Academy Trust

What is 11 Before 11?

11 Before 11 is our promise to all children across the REAch2 family: 11 exceptional experiences that will inspire and challenge our children. Everything we do is about helping children develop the character traits that will help them thrive as they graduate from primary school and move on to the next phase of their education. We want every child to leave us with the ability to engage fully with the challenges of a secondary school life; both the curriculum but also the day-to-day reality of growing up and starting to discover who they are, what they are passionate about and what they are capable of.

The menu of promises:


10 Good Deeds Being part of a caring community from an early age helps children appreciate that giving and supporting others can make their lives more enjoyable and rewarding. Seeing other people benefit from kind gestures will be immeasurable. Through the delivery of 10 good deeds, we want all our children to identify what is needed in their local communities and to work with their peers, parents and neighbours to bring these activities to life.


Make or Break a REAch2 Record Throughout life, children will face many challenges, some of which will be in competitive environments. It is important that all our pupils have the confidence and skills to tackle these challenges and the opportunities to appreciate and enjoy the feelings of success in relation to their efforts. The delivery of make or break a record is designed to stretch our pupils’ imagination.


FlashmobFlashmob Dance For many, performing in front of friends and family can be daunting, delivering the same performance to people you don’t know represents a much greater challenge. Engaging in a Flashmob experience we want all children to step outside of their comfort zone.



FlashmobSeeds to Supper A good diet is key to a healthy life. We want all children to understand how food is grown and how tasty fresh food is to eat, to understand the nutritional value of food and what makes a good healthy diet. We want children to try new foods and be curious and inquisitive about the foods of different cultures. Having grown their own food it’s important that children also have the skills and confidence to prepare their own meals.


Create Something AmazingCreate Something Amazing This promise will give our children the opportunity to design and create something that will challenge and develop their aspirations. From creating something like a large sculpture as a whole school project, or developing a film or an app. This promise is something that will last a long time and could create a legacy in the school for years to come. 


Messing around on waterMessing About on the Water Being confident in and around water is a vital life skill. In addition to keeping children safe it also unlocks a world of exciting opportunities and challenges. Through our Messing About on the Water promise, we want children to have the opportunity to experience new activities and test themselves in ways they might not have imagined.


Sleep under the starsSleep Under the Stars Looking up at a starry night sky is probably one of the most magical things that children can do. At some point, we have all wondered what it would be like to go into space and wonder what exists beyond our planet. We want all REAch2 children to unlock their adventurous spirit and to be curious about our amazing universe.


Hiking HeroesHiking Heroes Many children may not get regular opportunities to adventure in the great outdoors or face the challenge of climbing to a mountain peak. Through our Hiking Heroes promise, we want children to engage in enjoyable and challenging experiences through the exhilaration of hiking as far, or as high, as possible.


Ride a large animalRide a Large Animal Riding a horse is an exhilarating experience for young children: rarely does a young person experience travelling at such a height and interacting so closely with such a large (and potentially formidable) animal.



Visit a foreign countryCross a Border For many children, leaving home to visit a foreign country is only possible if our school arranges it. This promise will encourage children to become independent, challenge them to explore, enable them to meet international people and experience new cultures.



Shake it up ShakespeareShake it up Shakespeare All of Shakespeare's plays tell a story in an enlightening and absorbing manner, captivating the reader. Children of all ages can benefit from reading the works of this literary legend whilst inspiring them to gain knowledge about past histories and enhance their imaginations. Shakespeare is an important part of their secondary education. Gaining confidence with Shakespearian language and concepts at this early age will make future learning much easier.


11 Before 11 Parents Guide