Ofsted undertook a two-day inspection in July 2023, and we are delighted to confirm that we are officially a GOOD school, with four out of five areas judged to be OUTSTANDING.
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
Overall effectiveness - Good
The quality of education - Good
Behaviour and attitudes - Outstanding
Personal development - Outstanding
Leadership and management - Outstanding
Early years provision - Outstanding
Extracts from the Inspection Report: Five Spires Academy
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are very happy at Five Spires Academy. Their success and well-being are at the heart of leaders’ work. Leaders live out the school’s mission of ‘everyone inspire everyone aspire’ in all they do with pupils. Expectations are high for pupils’ achievement thanks to a curriculum that is engaging and regularly reviewed. For the vast majority this curriculum is effectively delivered. This means that pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.
Leaders make sure that pupils behave very well. Their behaviour in class and around the school is exemplary. The youngest children quickly settle in the early years. They respond with enthusiasm to the skillful support that staff provide. Children benefit greatly from these secure groundings as they progress into key stage 1.
Leaders provide pupils with wider experiences that enhance their knowledge and prepare them exceptionally well for the next stage in their education. Pupils are eager to learn and enjoy supporting each other. They are confident that staff will help them to deal with any worries that they may have.
To read the full report, please click here: